The price of translation listed in the price list refers to one standard page (SP) of translation. (1 standard page = 1800 characters including spaces).
Uncompleted page is not considered to be as one standard page (SP). With us, you only pay for actual work done.
Normal range of translation:
Discounts for translation:
Basic text:
Translation from a foreign language
Translation into a foreign language
Professional text:
Translation from a foreign language
Translation into a foreign language
- Prices are per standard page.
- All prices are without VAT. We are VAT payers.
- For non VAT payers we offer a discount of 20%.
- If you are disabled or a pensioner, we offer you 1 SP for free. Each additional SP is a matter ofindividual agreement.
- The scientific text is considered text containing terms which are not in the vocabulary of an ordinary person.